Thursday, January 23, 2025

PN 844--20th Cycle of the Environmental Drawing Competition 2025 Circular

Respected Students and Parents,

Greetings from Emirates Environmental Group,

In a world where young voices hold the power to inspire change, Emirates Environmental Group is delighted to invite your school students to participate in the 20th Cycle of the Environmental Drawing Competition 2025. This vibrant initiative empowers students to explore their creativity while digging into some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.

 From the towering trees that shield our planet to the boundless energy of the sun, and the growing crisis of e-waste in our modern world, this competition encourages young artists to envision a sustainable future through their art. It's more than a competition; it's an opportunity for students to think deeply about their role as stewards of the Earth and express their unique perspectives through compelling visuals.

The topics are chosen each year as a result of thorough research and analysis which are then finalised after a comprehensive discussion based on relevance to local, national, and international trends.

Event Details: 

Event Name: Environmental Art Competition - 2025

Themes: Envision a sustainable future through art

Submission Deadline: February 24, 2025

Submissions can be made to the respective Art teachers (No RegistrationNeeded)




Drawing Substrates



The Power of Trees: Guardians of the Earth

A4 sized drawing sheets

(pencils, crayons, pastels or water colors)



Sunshine & Rainbows: Celebrating Renewable Energy

A3 sized drawing sheets

(pencils, crayons, pastels or water colors)




E-Waste: Modern Day Crisis

A3 sized art canvas

(charcoal pencils, water colour, oil colours)



              Concept Notes

1. The Power of Trees: Guardians of the Earth -Group 1 (Ages 6 - 8)

Illustrating the critical role of trees in maintaining ecological balance

Every year the world loses 10 million hectares of forest.

A single tree can capture and store one ton of carbon dioxide in its lifetime.

• What roles do trees play in facilitating the balance between living organisms and their Surroundings?

• How are trees mitigating the impact of human activity?

Students are challenged under this subject to convey the grandeur of trees in a manner that highlights the vital importance of preserving forests and their multifaceted roles in sustaining life. 

2. Sunshine & Rainbows: Celebrating Renewable Energy Group-2 (Ages 9 - 11)

Use bright, cheerful imagery to promote solar, wind and other renewable energy sources. 

• What are the alternative less common energy innovations that you might see other than?

Solar panels, wind turbines, and hydropower?

• What are the additional effects of the implementation of renewable energy in society? For

Example: health, creating jobs.

For this prompt, we encourage young artists to create colorful, bright, and cheerful displays that celebrate and promote renewable energy sources. Imagine a world reliant on only clean energy, emitting little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.

3. E-Waste: Modern Day Crisis Group-3  (Ages 12 - 14)

Depict the challenges of electronic waste and the importance of responsible disposal and recycling.

Challenges posed by electronic waste, while emphasizing the importance of responsible disposal and recycling solutions.

Using their artistic talents, students should depict the magnitude of electronic waste and the potential in

Its reduction and recycling using the ideas below:

• Why is there so much E-Waste?

• What are the impacts of E-Waste in terms of all of the components such as metals, plastics, and hazardous materials? 

Rules and Regulations:

• Students from grade 1 to 9 are encouraged to participate in their respective categories. No registration for this competition
• Please ensure that the name of the Student, class and section should be mentioned frond side of art work only in the backside of the drawing. Do Not Write Long Messages on the artwork. This will incur negative marking.
• Students are encouraged to create their artwork from home and submit it for the competition
• Judging Criteria - The entries will be assessed on the basis of creativity and imagination, composition, use of colour and choice of subject, Cultural Relevance: Connection to Emirati heritage and overall presentation.
• We believe that this competition will not only provide a platform for our students to showcase their artistic talents but will also encourages young artists to envision a sustainable future through their art. It's more than a competition; it's an opportunity for students to think deeply about their role as stewards of the Earth and express their unique perspectives through compelling visuals.
• For any inquiries or additional information, please contact Mr.Sankar Mohandas– 0559689073

Email –

Thanks and Regards, 


School Director/Principal,

Sunrise English Private School,

Abu Dhabi,UAE

President- UAE Sahodaya Schools Complex.

Contact :- +97125529989 


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