Wednesday, May 3, 2023

PN 132--Calligraphy Competition by “The Canterbury Club”-GRADE 1-5

Respected Parents,

                                              "Calligraphy not only improves writing skills but also helps the  students to know more about the unique structure and beauty of the language".

                                            Sunrise English Private School is excited to announce that an "English Calligraphy competition" will be held by "The Canterbury Club" on 18th of May,2023 (Thursday) for the students of Grade 1-5 during the school hours.

The aim of this competition is to enable the writer to think about the words, how they are spelt and also develops fine motor skills and coordination, encourages creativity and is a practical skill they can use all their lives.

A quote with 30 words (Category-1) and a paragraph of around 150-200 words (Category-2) would be given to students to rewrite.

Category-1- Grade 1,2,3

Category-2- Grade 4,5

General Guidelines for the Competition:

·         Read, Write, and submit the quote/paragraph.

·         Please do not add additional material/matter within your entry.

·         Use any of the following writing instruments: Ballpoint pen, fountain pen, felt/fiber, or tip marker/pencil.

·         Use the same writing instrument throughout the entry.

·         Please use only black/blue ink to write

·         You can use calligraphic instruments.

·         The written quote/paragraph must fit on the front side of the paper.

·         Do not make visible erasures cross-outs/cover- ups/whiting out.

·         30-45 minutes would be given to complete the quote/paragraph.


·         Paragraph sheet and writing sheet will be distributed in respective classes.

·         All the students must copy the given paragraph from the paragraph sheet to the writing sheet.

·         The writing sheets will be collected back.



Criteria for Judgement:

·  Legibility -How easily we can read the handwriting

·  Flow -The smoothness, grace, and flow of the writing

·  Competence -The choice of layout and margins; spacing between letters, words, and lines; consistency of letter size and forms; accuracy of the quote; neatness and general appearance; spelling.

Note:  The competition will be conducted for all the students during the zero period.

 Competition date: 18th of May,2023 (Thursday)



Thanks and Regards, 

Sunrise English Private School


Abu Dhabi,UAE

Contact :- +97125529989


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