Monday, April 29, 2024

PN 132--English Calligraphy Competition-[Grades 1-5]

Respected Students and Parents,

                                             We are thrilled to inform you that Sunrise English Private School, in association with "The Canterbury Club," will host an "English Calligraphy Competition" on the 10th of May, 2024 (Friday) during school hours. This event is open to students from Grade 1 to Grade 5. All the studentsof grade 1 to 5 are expected to participate in this competition. 

The primary objective of this competition is to foster an appreciation for the art of calligraphy, which not only enhances writing skills but also deepens the understanding of language structure and its inherent beauty. Moreover, calligraphy aids in the development of fine motor skills, promotes creativity, and instills a practical skill that students can utilize throughout their lives.

Participants will be divided into two categories:

Category 1: Grade 1, 2, 3 - Entrants will be required to rewrite a provided quote consisting of 30 words. 

Category 2: Grade 4, 5 - Entrants will rewrite a paragraph containing approximately 150-200 words.

General Guidelines for the Competition:

*Read, write, and submit the given quote/paragraph. 

*Ensure that no additional material is added to your entry.

* Use only black or blue ink with any of the following writing instruments: ballpoint pen, fountain pen, felt/fiber tip marker, or pencil. 

*Maintain consistency in the choice of writing instrument throughout the entry. 

*You may utilize calligraphic instruments. 

*The written content must fit on the front side of the provided paper. 

*Avoid visible erasures, cross-outs, cover-ups, or whiting out. 

*Participants will be allotted 30-45 minutes to complete the task. 

*Paragraph sheets and writing sheets will be distributed in respective classes, and students must copy the given content onto the provided writing sheet. 

Judging Criteria:

Legibility: The ease with which the handwriting can be read. 

Flow: The smoothness, grace, and fluidity of the writing. 

Competence: Includes layout and margins, spacing between letters, words, and lines, consistency of letter size and forms, accuracy of the quote, neatness, general appearance, and spelling. 

Please note that the competition will take place during the zero period on May 10,2024. We encourage all students to participate actively in this enriching competition.


Thanks and Regards, 


School Director/Principal,

Sunrise English Private School,

Abu Dhabi,UAE

President- UAE Sahodaya Schools Complex.

Contact :- +97125529989 


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